Illumination of climate-friendly energy


Increased safety through maximum process illumination in biogas plants

Project planning

Converting natural, renewable resources into sustainable energy – that is the goal of biogas plants. In order to expand this future perspective of a climate-friendly and stable energy supply, alongside solar, wind and hydropower, and also to ensure safe illumination in potentially explosive areas, the liteServer series from SAMCON is a perfect choice.

In sustainable and CO2-neutral biogas production, the methane and nitrous oxide contained in organic materials from agriculture, households and industry are converted into energy. This can be transferred directly into the gas network and the degassed organic material is then used as agricultural fertilizer.

The SAMCON liteServers from the Ex.micro series, which are installed in ultra-compact stainless steel housings, are not only suitable for use in potentially explosive areas. The resistance to many media, such as chemicals and water, and the ability to be used in ambient temperatures from -30° to +50°C, make the liteServer series the perfect combination with cameras in low-light areas and ensure an intelligent and compact security solution. Camera images not only depend on the scene, but good lighting conditions play a crucial role in visualization. The liteServer series has a built-in, energy-efficient and long-lasting LED, either in neutral white or infrared, with the IR lighting enabling unobtrusive monitoring even in the dark.

In addition, the more than compact design makes it possible to mount the light on small sight glasses with a diameter of only 48 mm or to place it next to existing cameras. On the one hand, this is a cost-effective solution, as either no additional sight glass needs to be installed or existing sight glasses can be used optimally.


“Due to structural specifications, it was necessary to find an alternative to the significantly larger luminaires already in use - this could be implemented perfectly with the SAMCON liteServer Ex.micro!”

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