Your individual Camera (BTO)
We built your ex-proofed dream camera
You want a special camera module?
With the T07-Series extremly powerful Enclosures for hazardous areas are available. We offer our camerea housings and you can individually choose a desired camera module. You define the details and we test if the product could be built in the desired configuration. If this is a feasible alternative for you, we are more than happy to support you as well. We have actually done this quite often with very different cameras and it is a good alternative in case none of our standard products matches your requirements.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
How can I find out wether a certain camera module fits into a housing?
Tell us the module you have chosen (ideally CAD data, dimensions, datasheet). We will do an evaluation for you. The mechanical check is free. Feel free to contact us
What are frequently installed camera modules?
Bosch / Avigilon / Panasonic / Indigo Vision / Samsung / Dallmeier / Basler / Cognex / Ciqurix / IDS ...
Why is a BTO evaluation needed? Can't you just buy a suitable empty housing?
Our housings only have a so called “component certification”. This means that the housing itself has the applicable ATEX/IECEx/EAC-Ex certification but if it is to be used in combination with an electrical device (e.g. a camera), the complete device has to be certified by a notified body again in order to get the so called “device certification”. Only then it is allowed to use the camera in the hazardous area.
Alternatively we also offer the possibility to evaluate whether it is possible to integrate/use other camera modules with our enclosures and to build the cameras for you so that you do not need to get a separate ATEX/IECEx/EAC-Ex certification for the camera. In such a case we carry out a risk assessment in order to make sure that, among other things:
- The total power intake of the implemented devices does not exceed the limitations set by the enclosure
- The proper cable glands are used
- In case the device disposes of a battery, the limitations of the enclosure are observed
Which service does the BTO evaluation include?
The position includes the following scope:
- Mechanical installation simulation (3D-STEP)
- Compilation of the QA manufacturing plan
- Compilation of the risk assessment according to TUEV 18 ATEX 8218X
- CE declaration of conformity
Please note: This position is a one-time charge for the initial evaluation of the provided component(s). The position does not include EMC approval costs which will be necessary in case the existing EMC declaration of the provided component is invalid, e.g. because of a necessary disassembly of the component(s).
Attention: Despite a thorough pre-evaluation it is possible that during the detailed BTO technical problems/non-conformity issues arise preventing the realization of the BTO installation and requiring a close cooperation with the customer. Arising costs for this service position will not be obsolete in such a case.
What will this cost me?
Please note: This position is a one-time charge for the initial evaluation of the provided component(s). The position does not include EMC approval costs which will be necessary in case the existing EMC declaration of the provided component is invalid, e.g. because of a necessary disassembly of the component(s).
Attention: Despite a thorough pre-evaluation it is possible that during the detailed BTO technical problems/non-conformity issues arise preventing the realization of the BTO installation and requiring a close cooperation with the customer. Arising costs for this service position will not be obsolete in such a case.
What certification does the device have, for which applications is it approved?
The camera is certified and approved in accordance with the european (ATEX), as well as the international Directive (IECEx).
Can additional certificates be obtained?
Yes, with extra costs.
Do I have to register anything with the authorities?
No, the camera is approved as a device.
What criteria mean that I can't install a camera?
There are several circumstances that can mean that a camera cannot be installed: One of the reasons is the mechanic. If the built-in module is too big, it may not fit into a housing, or that the optical axis is too small, the lens is too far forward and the viewing angle is too small, that the cross-sectional area is too small, the free space is too small for an unhindered gas flow or that fans do not fit.
Other reasons why a camera could not be installed are optical radiation, batteries and energy storage cells or high-frequency radiating interfaces. Difficulties arise if the built-in module does not have a CE mark (EMC). One reason why the selected installation module cannot be used could be too high power dissipation and temperature.
Can a heater be built in for low temperature applications?
If there is enough space for it, yes.
Which mounting accessories are available?
There are the same mounting accessoires as for our ExCams.
What is the lifespan of BTO cameras, how often do they have to be serviced?
The service life of the BTO camera depends on the service life of the installation module. Temperature ranges must be observed. The applicable national regulations for the maintenance and repair of electrical equipment in potentially explosive areas must be observed. The required maintenance intervals are application-specific and are therefore to be determined by the operator depending on the operating conditions. As part of maintenance, the parts that affect the type of protection must be checked (e.g. the integrity of the housing, the seals and the cable and line entries, as well as the condition of the connection cable). If, during maintenance, it is found that repair work is required, this must be carried out or initiated immediately.
Can BTO cameras be used in any application?
No, BTO-cameras can only be used in officially determined areas. For zone 0 and 20 the cameras are not approved. Some of the housings could be used for mining (extra costs, other cable glands).

The T07 housing series is an extremely powerful camera housing concept suitable for hazardous and explosion risk areas and is certified according to European regulations (ATEX) as well as international ones (IECEx). The housings’ certification comprises ATEX group I (mining) with a low risk of mechanical threat as well as ATEX group II for zone 1, 2 as well as 21 and 22 including the explosion groups IIC / IIIC with a high risk of mechanical threat. In accordance with the requirements of the impact and free-fall tests (DIN EN 60079: 0 2012), the housings are suitable for fix and mobile (portable) applications!
Questions about our products
If you have any questions about our products please contact our Sales Team.